(quotes will show up here!)
Silly Quotes was made with love <3
(i had a lot of fun making this... a little too much honestly but its fineeeeee :p)
You clicked the button: 0 time(s)
There is (as of right now) 100 unique quotes!
Wow! 100 clicks? Nice :]
Holy moly! 200 clicks? You must really want quotes... c:
300 clicks..? Thanks for clicking the button a lot :D
400 clicks..? You are the master at clicking c:
500 clicks..? 50/50 chance this is the last one, thanks for checking out my project :D... no console right? :o
1000 clicks is insane... if you didn't use console, thank you :D
10,000 clicks is just crazy. There's no way you didn't use console >:c
100,000 clicks is just unrealistic, kinda funny tho hehe :D
1,000,000 clicks is something a robot would get >:c
1,000,000,000 clicks... this is for real the last time :o
1,000,000,000,000 clicks... you didn't listen... >:c